If you’re planning on replacing your old TV antenna with a new one, you should know that the process of installing it might be a bit more daunting and complex than you initially thought. Because of this, you must be aware of some common mistakes that people make so that you can avoid making them.
But, what are these mistakes? Should it just be installed on a roof and connected to your TV? Luckily for all individuals that are wondering the same thing, our article below can help you quite a lot. Here is a list of the top 7 mistakes most people make when adjusting their TV antenna:
1. Bigger Doesn’t Always Mean Better

You would be surprised by the number of people that think that purchasing a bigger aerial means that they’ll receive better signals. As a matter of fact, you probably weren’t aware of this as well, which is why you need to understand the basic working principle of TV antennas which is that it functions primarily on internal circuits, as well as other factors that can include the gain and the location where it’s installed.
What does this mean for you? Well, it means that the size of the aerial won’t have anything to do with the signal you’ll be receiving, hence don’t opt for purchasing a bigger – and more expensive – antenna, simply because a smaller and cheap one might be more suitable for your home. Hence, before you go ahead and buy the first and largest model available on the market, do some digging, and determine the antenna size suitable for your home or apartment.
2. Installing it at a Very High Location
But, shouldn’t they be installed higher so that I can avoid interference from various obstacles? Though this is completely true, you still shouldn’t go too high. After all, installing it requires a lot of knowledge and skills that professional installers have, which means that you should seriously consider working with an experienced company such as tayloraerials.co.uk. By doing so, they’ll know exactly where to place the aerial, but more importantly, they’ll know where it should be directed which leads us to our next point…
3. Not Pointing it in The Right Direction

Another common mistake people make is that they simply install the antenna and that’s it. However, in order for it to give you all the benefits it has to offer, you’ll have to position it properly, instead of simply leaving it as it is. Now, keep in mind, to point it in the right direction, you’ll need to figure out where the local broadcasting centers are, and then by using a compass app on your smartphone, adjust the aerial towards the towers. This will ensure that your signal is strong.
4. Not Taking Care of The Cable Connections
Just because you’ve bought the most expensive TV set and aerial out there, it doesn’t mean that they’ll work properly if you don’t understand how you can set the connection properly. Also, a lot of people choose to experiment with their connections and wires, but, this is the most expensive mistake that they could make. If the cables and wires aren’t connected in the right way could result in an overload, which will make the circuit irreparable.
5. Not Caring About The Placement

If you choose to install an aerial near metal objects, tall buildings, hills, trees, or even mountains, it won’t provide you with a signal, instead, you might end up experiencing lags, pixelation, blurry images, and no connection at all. Placing your aerial near such obstacles means that it’ll have to be reinstalled, thus, to avoid paying for the installation services twice, you should be careful about where you place it.
Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that power lines can have the same effect on the reception you’re receiving, thus, avoid doing this. You should know, even if your aerial is state-of-the-art, it won’t work if there is something obstructing it. This won’t ever happen to you if you choose to hire a professional organization that’ll help you, so, in this case, a DIY project might not be suitable for you.
6. Not Using a Signal Booster
You might be living in a remote area, and if so, no matter what antenna you opt for purchasing, it’s highly possible that it won’t be capable of providing you with a good signal. However, a lot of people neglect the fact that they can use a booster that amplifies the signals. Hence, if you live in a remote location, you should ensure a signal booster that’ll improve the reception you’re receiving and that’ll guarantee that you have a high picture quality.
7. Not Hiring an Experienced Company

Not every company that you find online will be experienced and skilled at what they do, thus, to avoid them installing it in the wrong way – which will cause you to hire another professional, thus, you’ll end up paying more – you should ensure that they’re experienced. To learn about their work, you should first check the testimonials left by previous customers. Of course, you should read the ones left on the official websites.
However, you should also look at some independent review platforms. Why should you do this? Well, it’ quite simple, the reviews left there tend to be more transparent and honest.
Also, you guarantee that they are licensed. If you don’t guarantee this if anything happens to the aerial – such as if it falls from your roof – your warranty won’t apply, which means that you’ll have to pay for the repairs or replace the aerial.
You might have thought that you’ve done everything there is to improve the signal you’re receiving, however, think again. If you’ve made one of the aforementioned mistakes, it’s highly possible that your reception won’t be good and that you’ll end up stuck with low picture quality, hence, make sure that you avoid making such errors.
Since you now know what you need to avoid doing, don’t waste time. Instead, if you’re planning on installing and adjusting your TV aerial by yourself, start reading various tutorials and how-to guides so that you can ensure that you do everything in the right way – which is also something that’ll save you a lot of money in repairs.