Ao Haru Ride, also known as blue spring ride is a Japanese manga series that was aired on the screen in February 2011, however, its anime adaptation premiered in July 2014. Lo Sakisaka who is a famous Japanese manga artist and illustrator wrote and illustrated Ao Haru Ride with great success. There are several reworkings of the Ao Haru Ride story, it was presented in novel form, limited edition drama, and much more.
Ao Haru Ride is about a teenage girl who cannot fit into a social order just because a bunch of girls are jealous of how popular she is among boys. She starts to look and act unattractive so that she can be accepted into the school. However, she later realizes that there isn’t any need to do all of that. The story presents her growth in all aspects. There has been only one installment so far, Ao Haru ride season 2 is yet to come. Keep reading to know about Ao Haru Ride season 2: Release date announced or not.
Ao Haru Ride Season 2: Release Date Announced
Season 1 Plot Summary
This popular manga series first debuted in 2011 February and has had many adaptations since then, its anime adaptation came out in 2014. The particular season was written and illustrated by Lo Sarisaka who is a famous manga artist. Ao Haru Ride became popular almost immediately after it premiered among teenagers and adult women because they can relate to the story on personal levels.
The story features a teenage girl named Futaba Yoshioka in her middle school where she meets Kau Mabuchi. They are attracted to each other which instills jealousy in other girls as Futaba is popular among boys. Futaba tries to fit in and remove their jealousy by telling them that she doesn’t like boys and tries to look unattractive. Kau on the other hand moves away to Nagasaki after their parent’s divorce.
Kau comes back when they are in the first year of high school but Futaba remains indifferent only to keep her friendship with Asumi and Chie. Another classmate named Yuri Makita is nice to her regardless of everything and Futaba wants to bond with her. However, she cannot make a friendship with her just because Asumi and Chie don’t like Yuri Makita back.
Futaba finds a great personality shift in Kau and begins exploring him. She leaves the toxic friendship of her with Asumi and Chie because they were passing disparaging remarks toward Yuri. During the second year of high school, Futaba gets in the same class as Kau, Yuri, Kominato, and Shuko. Futaba is a bit heartbroken upon ending her friendship with Asumi and Chie but gets along with her other classmates.
Upon discovering Mr. Tanaka, who is their English teacher and Kau’s older brother, Futaba decides to know more about Kau. She changes her life for good and yearns to be a better person. She decides to be the class representative along with Yuri, Kau, Shuko, and Kominato. Meanwhile, she starts feeling for Kau once again but is reluctant to tell Yuri because she has the same feelings for her.
The group of five must participate in the leader camp as the class representative. Initially, the group doesn’t bond along very well but during the orientation activity at the camp, they start to understand each other better. Despite her conflicting feelings with Yuri, she decides to tell her the truth about how she feels for Kau to keep the integrity of the friendship intact.
Futaba is deeply saddened by Kau’s indifference to everything, and his failing the midterm exams adds to it. She decides with her friends that they must arrange a group study session at Kau’s home so he can improve. At Kau’s place, they all learn from Mr. Tanaka that Kau is affected by his parent’s divorce and his mother’s terminal illness.
After getting to know what caused a change in Kau’s personality Futaba decides to help Kau in every aspect. Kau opens up in front of her for the first time, and they all arrange more than one group study session for him. The group’s struggles pay off and Kau scores the highest marks in the final examination. Moreover, Futaba compels him to reconcile with his brother and father for him to feel less lost.
At the end of the season, Yuri tells Kau that she loves him but Kau is honest with her and tells her that he doesn’t hold the same feelings for her. Meanwhile, the whole group attends the summer festival again and everything seems to be going back to normal. Towards the end, we can see Futaba and Kau coming closer to each other but the story has yet to say more.
Ao Haru Ride Season 2, What Is The Release Date?

Ao Haru Ride is a motivating story that depicts how a person has healthy growth. Futaba leaves her toxic friends behind and accepts new friends. All of the friends including Kau motivate each other and contribute to each other’s personal as well as emotional growth. The first season received a lot of applause and became famous among teenagers as well as adult females.
People are so in love with the series that they eagerly wait for Ao Haru Ride season 2. There can be a season 2 but we haven’t received any news of the season’s renewal as of now. The end of season one depicts that Futaba and Kau are getting along well with each other and they start to come closer. People would love to see how they take their relationship forward in Ao Haru Ride season 2.
Ao Haru Ride season 2 might not come because there aren’t any updates on the season’s renewal by production I.G. Also, almost 15 years have passed since the premiere of the first season which had made many people hopeless. However, many are still hoping for Ao Haru Ride season 2. The delay might be because the production team might not have a strong storyline. They might be building a good story for the second season.
There also have been many petitions signed by the fans who demand a new season with a new story. However, production I.G hasn’t moved by all these petitions and doesn’t even plan on making Ao Haru Ride season 2. There are still hopes that other production studios might think about making a season 2 of it with a new and captivating story.
What is Ao Haru Ride about?
Ao Haru Ride is a story from a Japanese manga series about a girl Futaba and her struggles in her growth on an emotional level. She doesn’t fit in her middle school and has to pretend things just to gain acceptance. However, she realizes that she doesn’t have to do that anymore. Instead, she leaves her toxic friends, begins investing in her personal growth, and helps her friends, especially Kau whom she has feelings to grow into becoming a better person.
Why does Futaba pretend that she doesn’t have an interest in boys?
Futaba is counted among the most attractive girls in her school which instill jealousy in other girls. She is popular among boys because of her appearance and friendly nature which makes other girls jealous of her. That is why she pretends that she doesn’t have any interest in boys and starts to look unattractive. By doing so she thinks that she will get accepted by girls especially her friends Asumi and Chie.
What does Futaba do for her personal growth?
Futaba decides to put an end to her toxic friendship with Asumi and Chie when they start talking ill of another nice girl Yuri. Futaba hesitates to befriend Yuri at first because her friends did not approve of it. Later on, she realizes that she doesn’t have to listen to them and befriends Yuri.
When is Ao Haru Ride season 2 coming out?
We cannot say for sure when will season 2 come out because the producers of season 1 haven’t announced anything even after 15 years. It seems like they don’t have any plans for it. However, fans are still clinging to the threads of hope and are writing petitions for the second season. We might see another season if other production studios decide to work on it.
The Bottom Line
Growth on an emotional and spiritual level can be slow and challenging and slow but it is always worth it. The same is the case with Futaba Yoshioka who takes other people’s opinions too personally. Futaba tries to fit in her friend’s circle by pretending to be someone she is not. At the same time, her old friend Kau returns from Nagasaki with a complete shift in his personality. Futaba decides to stop investing too much in her toxic friendship.
She makes new friends and starts participating in healthy activities in her second year of high school. Moreover, she also promises to help Kau become a better person. The group studies in union and helps Kau score good marks in exams. At the end of the series, we see Futaba and Kau getting closer to each other which had left the fans anxious. People are waiting for the second season earnestly. Will there be a season 2 to Ao Haru ride? Read the article to know everything.