Ramadan is the time of year when people gather around with their friends and family to celebrate the gift of the first chapters of the Quran from God to Muhammad, and it occupies a special place in the heart of every Muslim no matter where in the world they could be. Also, it is an ideal opportunity to gladden your special someone with a creative gift. Although we will discuss presents specially crafted for the male audience, there is nothing wrong if you choose an item that you both can enjoy equally. After all, this particular festivity celebrates togetherness. Thus, read the following list of creative Ramadan gift ideas for your boyfriend and see which one would be suitable for your man.
1. Customized Ramadan Gift Box

Everybody loves chocolate, so you cannot really make a mistake with this special treat. Since this is a special occasion, you can even choose the inscription that can state anything you desire, but you might opt for a devoted message since you would probably want to impress your darling. On the other hand, if your man is not fond of chocolate, you can always make a sacrifice and eat the delicious bites on your own. Jokes aside, but you can choose between dark and white chocolate to tailor the gift according to your hubby’s taste.
2. A Customized Pillow Case with Ramadan Golden Moon
Customized pillowcases are a perfect gift for any occasion, simply because you can choose a picture of whatever you consider interesting and place it on the cover. The amazing thing about this particular idea is that the case is already embroidered with a golden moon so it might remind your darling of Ramadan that you will spend together, but also of you, if you decide to use your picture as decoration. What you might also do is to combine a pillowcase with a pillow and make the present even more suitable.
3. Special Treasure Box Ramadan Hamper

If you decide to rejoice your hubby both with a treasure box and some delightful sweets, then this might be the answer to your wanderings. Not only does this gift box contain a package of premium Burj Khalifa chocolates, Jomara premium dates pack, and another delicacy made from peanut butter, but it also encompasses a carefully decorated Ramadan candle. Although the designs on a treasure box should be enough to satisfy even the most demanding boyfriends, we are sure that its content will surpass their greatest expectations.
4. Nano Jewelry for Your Hubby
Have you heard about this trend? Namely, nano jewelry implies a piece of jewelry decorated with micro inscriptions that could only be visible if magnified. For that reason, what you are provided when purchasing this type of present is also a small magnifying glass that will enable you to enjoy the carefully inscribed text. You can even consider combining it with a previously mentioned gift idea since it would be a perfect match with a carefully chosen treasure box. What makes this gift proposition even more unique is that it might contain words from Ayatul Kursi, as one of the Quran’s most cherished verses. At nano-jewelry.com Islamic jewelry for him is what you shall find as well as additional pieces of jewelry you might consider purchasing even for yourself. What is also important to underline is that you can pick the material you desire for the engraving to be pressed on, so it could match the style of your boyfriend.
5. Blue Misbaha Prayer Beads

Although prayer beads are crafted for a sacred purpose, that does not mean they cannot look good. By choosing this stylish bead you could show your hubby that you care, not solely for his appearance, but also his soul. At the same time, he will be able to think of you any time he prays, so your connection will be even stronger. Some people even say that one should never buy a bead for themself but do it for another person close to them, so Ramadan is a perfect opportunity to rejoice your man with a special gift.
6. A Perfume
This is the perfect opportunity to gift your man with a present that will also enable you to enjoy spending time with him even more. Namely, you might opt for the favorite perfume your hubby uses all the time or you might want to inspire him to try something new. Since the choice is solely yours, you might also pick the one you will enjoy sensing when your darling puts it on. At the same time, the aroma you choose will follow him wherever he might go and remind him of you.
7. A Book
A gift selection can sometimes be a bit tricky, but if you are preparing it for the eve of Ramadan, then a book might be a perfect choice. When it comes to the choice, we should highlight that Quran is always ideal, and you might accompany it with a prayer mat.
8. Make a Donation Together
Nothing brings two people more together than joint acts of kindness. While it is perfectly valid to present your boyfriend with something you find suitable, we have another suggestion for you to take into consideration. Namely, you might opt to make a small donation to charity with your hubby with the money you would both spend on each other’s presents. It does not have to be anything much, but what it will definitely do is to make you both feel like you have done something great. Ramadan is the time when we should cherish our loved ones, but also remember the ones that are not as fortunate as others.
Hopefully, the aforementioned gift ideas will help you gladden your special someone and make his Ramadan worthy of remembering. You might pick one of the suggestions listed above, but you can also combine them to create a unique gift set that will satisfy your hubby. One way or another, you are the one who knows your man the best, so whatever you choose make sure he is aware that the best gift he could ever have is precisely you.