College students have it tough already with all their school obligations without having to think about dating. Yes, it is an integral part of social life and a very important step toward building your personality but how can a student set aside the time for everything?!
Being a student today asks you a lot more sacrifices if you want to finish your education with quality. If you spear toward education your social life will undoubtedly suffer and if you turn to be more socially active you will miss out on education. What to do?
The best advice that anyone can give you is to make a fine balance of things, but no one will explain how to do it in reality. You will have to be a magician to accomplish anything or you can have some help from the outside like most.
What is the help we are talking about? Well, none will admit it immediately but most college students turn to help when it comes to their school essays. These will take up most of your time and will require you to focus solely on these if you want to do a quality job. There is a shortcut to be made here and it comes in a form of many sites that specialize in essay writing for students such as AdvancedWriters.com.
These sites are really helpful and can free some of your time for other things you should experience as a student. Someone somewhere even equalled essay writing to date preparation. They both need a lot of time and work, quality “research” and seeing things to end. Having at least one of such worries on your back can help you focus on something else like the aforementioned dating, sports, or any other extracurricular activity of your choice.

If you are studying abroad why not spend some time getting to know the city you are studying in. Why not go to a party for a weekend or two instead of sitting behind a computer or a laptop and thinking about the topic for your next essay. Have someone else do it and you can at least for a while enjoy your student life and all it brings.
While your essays are covered the next thing to focus on is your social life and that is another tough cookie, but this is something you have to do by yourself. It is a bit stressful and it can be tough from time to time but this article today will ease this job for you in a few, simple and easy to follow steps.
We know that going on a date with someone for the first time, even if you’re a college student, can be very nerve-wracking. You need to make a very good first impression while being yourself at the same time, and that is sometimes hard to accomplish. Fear not we have got you covered, read the article through and you will know what and how to do!
Tell someone you trust about your date

If you’ve been talking to someone on campus or a dating app, and you’ve decided to go on a date, you have to tell someone you trust about it. Don’t keep your dates a secret from your loved ones or friends because should anything happen, they’ll know where to start looking. Let them know where you’ll be going, who you’ll be with, and how long you expect the date to last.
Set boundaries
You need to know your boundaries and accept nothing less. For example, if you don’t date people who smoke, do drugs, or drink too much, stick to those boundaries. If you are taken to a bar, and you see your date smoking or taking drugs then that person is not for you. Don’t sacrifice your standards just to make someone you have no interest in dating, happy. You should always look after your happiness first ahead of someone else’s.
Pick a public location for your first date
If it’s your first date with someone, try to arrive in separate cars and meet in a public location. Choose a place that has plenty of people nearby to give you a sense of security and avoid meeting in places that are away from public view. Cinemas, restaurants, sports arenas, the beach, and bars are wonderful public areas for a first date. If you opt for something less noisy and quiet, you can choose a coffee shop.
Stay alert

On a date, you need to be alert because anything can happen. While your main goal should be to enjoy yourself and have fun, keep in mind that you don’t know the person in front of you. Don’t drop your guard especially when it comes to your drinks because drugs can be slipped into them without your knowledge.
Do your homework or background check on your date
You learn more about your date by talking to them and asking them questions. Getting acquainted with someone is just the first stage of any relationship but the one thing you have to ask yourself is “are they being honest with me?” Whether you’ve met them in class or on a dating site, you can never be sure that they are who they claim to be.
To put your mind at ease, you can find further information about your date by asking people who might know them personally or use the internet. The freedom of information act lets you access public records of people who’ve had criminal convictions in the past. It doesn’t hurt to have a look if you’re having any doubts because it can prevent you from putting yourself in harm’s way.
Don’t disclose any personal information to someone you’re getting to know

You should always keep things like your financial situation and home address private until you fully trust the person you are dating. There are so many cases of students being victims of fraud, theft, and even stalking which can result in injury or death. If your date is asking for your personal information while you’re getting to know them, that is a massive red flag, and you should end the conversation there before you put yourself in any danger.
Take some self-defence lessons
In case of an attack, you should learn a few self-defence techniques. Ask your tutors to see if your college does offer free self-defence classes for you to take. If none are on offer, you can find some online or in your local city or town. Pick a martial arts style that you feel comfortable with but karate and judo are highly recommended for those who just want to go to learn quick self-defence moves. Only use the moves you learn for self-defence purposes and not to show off or harm others.
Consider double dates

If you are meeting someone you haven’t met before or know very well, it is a good idea to schedule a double date. You can do this until you feel comfortable with the other person plus they are fun and a good way to be safe.
Don’t drink too much
The first date at a bar is always a popular option however, try not to drink too much. If you are trying to lay off the booze, don’t drink at all because getting drunk on a first date can leave you vulnerable. You can put yourself in danger or take advantage of when drunk especially if your date isn’t a gentleman.
Make sure that your phone is fully charged

Before you head out on a date, make sure that your phone is close by and fully charged in case of an emergency. This will let you have enough battery life to phone emergency services, family members, or friends should your date take a turn for the worst.
Don’t invite someone you don’t trust to your home or dorm
Until you get to know the person you’re going on a date with properly, you should never invite them to your home or dorm. The last thing you want is to invite someone who will rob you of your belongings or worse.
Dating in college is fun and exciting because you are exposed to different people all the time. However, you need to be careful too because not everyone will have your best internet at heart. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will increase your chances of meeting someone who shares the same interests as you while being safe at the same time. The most important tip above is to do a background check on your date. If something doesn’t feel right, or you discover they have a criminal history, you might be putting yourself in harm’s way if you continue conversing with them.