If you ask someone which part of the year is their favorite, we are sure they will tell you that it is the second part of the year. Why? Because in that part of the year are the summer holidays, autumn and the beautiful pumpkins, the shopping mania for Black Friday, but also the favorite holidays before the new year. It is already November and the magic of the holidays is slowly beginning to be felt. The shops are already decorated, the streets, parks, squares are slowly being decorated, and that means only one thing – everyone’s favorite part of the year is approaching, Christmas is approaching. It is a favorite holiday of most people around the world, and why is that? Let’s see.
Christmas is a holiday that unites people to be one. It is the period before the new year when we are all happy and excited that in addition to expecting the first heavy snow, one can also expect some wonderful gifts. Yes, yes, X-mass is a favorite of many because of the gifts, cookies, and dinner together. But there is one more thing that makes Christmas so exciting for everyone. What is it you are wondering? It is one of the favorite things for every person when it comes to the end of the year or simply put it is decorating with Christmas decorations.
Yes yes, you read that right. Most people love this part of the year because of Christmas which is the symbol of beautifully decorated homes and decorating in general. It is the part of the year when X-mass decorating shops are full of excited shoppers looking for more decorations than in previous years to make something new and unprecedented in their homes. It attacks light bulbs, Christmas trees, lanterns, X-mass villages, and many other decorations that are available in different editions from year to year. Decorating trends change every year, so this year there will be something new. Do you want to change something too? Do you want something new in your home for this Christmas?
Today we bring you some examples of how people decorate around the world, so maybe you will find some inspiration for a change in the way you decorate or you will get inspiration to get another and more interesting new decoration. Let’s see together!
1. Every year, people in Scandinavia buy a fresh Christmas tree that they plant right after Christmas somewhere in nature

In Scandinavia there is a wonderful tradition that is wonderful and that might interest you as well. It is a tradition to decorate a fresh Christmas tree which you can then plant somewhere in nature. This is a tradition that exists in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, but also exists in other countries outside Scandinavia. In these countries, this is a kind of tradition, but also care for nature, which respects Christmas, the Christmas atmosphere, but also shows care for nature, avoiding all those plastic Christmas trees. This can be an example that you will like a lot, which is why we place it for you.
2. In the UK, every home has a Christmas village decoration

If we are already talking about decorations and ways to decorate the home during the X-mass period, then we must list the most specific decoration that exists, and is most often bought by people in the UK. Britain. It’s the Christmas Village. It is a specially made ornament which is a decorated village, with many light and moving objects on it. This decoration can often be seen in the shop windows of many stores, can be seen as part of the arrangements of homes, malls and many other places. So if you want something unique holyart.co.uk offers you a unique opportunity to get such a unique Christmas village that will decorate your home during the most beautiful holiday season.
3. Luminous home decorations are the most popular in America

Americans as a nation are known for always wanting to have the most beautiful Christmas arrangements in their homes, but also in public areas in general. They usually use lighting devices, ie light bulbs and specially made luminous Christmas decorations that they place during this season. How much they enjoy decorating with light bulbs during the Christmas season is shown by the huge number of videos that come from there that show beautifully decorated homes, malls, parks and squares, and that can be a great motivation for you to insert more lights in your arrangement this year.
4. In France, the most used are ribbon

Shaped ornaments and specially designed candlesticks – if anyone is simple in decorating then it is the French. Yes, they love the whole New Year period which is known as the Christmas season and they enjoy the company of their family and friends, but when it comes to decorating they are unique and use simple arrangements. They usually use ribbons made of decorative ribbons that they place everywhere in the house, but they also place specially made candlesticks and ikebana that they procure every year to decorate the home in the most beautiful atmosphere for the holiday.
5. Christmas lights for the exterior of houses are very popular in Germany

We bring you another example that this time comes from Germany. In Germany, people like to decorate the exterior parts the most, ie they want to decorate the houses from the outside. They install special lasers and lights that reflect on the phases of houses and homes with various winter and holiday motifs. These special lights can be found everywhere in the shops, and you can consider installing them if you live in a house or simply place them in the living room and turn off the lights to enjoy the festive moment.
Do not look for more ideas. Today we brought you some ideas that come from all over the world, and which you can download and make the arrangement of the space much more interesting, but also to give a new and different look to the space. So absorb these ideas and implement them at home.