The release date of Diabolic Lovers season 3 is neither confirmed nor cancelled but there is a lot more on the plate for you to know.
There are various statements about Diabolic Lovers season 3. This anime series is based on a Japanese novel that took the hearts of many people. Although the first two seasons of the Diabolic Lovers went really amazing and people are curiously waiting for the 3rd season, there are some rumors that were traveling around regarding the 3rd season of Diabolic Lovers which says that this season has been canceled by the production house.
However, some groups say that the trailer will be released soon and you will be able to watch it in a few days. To make these conflicts clear I have brought for you an amazing article in which we will discuss every detail of season 3. I will also update you with official news about the release of Diabolic Lovers season 3.
Diabolic Lovers Season 3: Release Date/ Cancelled or Confirmed!

I love how these animated series have twisted events that are full of exciting plots and mystery. Let’s take a glimpse over the Diabolic Lovers story. Do you remember how the 17-year-old girl Yui was forced by her father, who was a mystery man in himself, to live in a mansion with 6 brothers? I hated this part because I had sympathy with Yui as she is the leading role and she seemed so innocent to me, but the story took a huge turn after this event. All these 6 brothers turned out to be vampires and they were supposed to marry one girl, Yui.
Now let’s talk about season 2. Diabolic Lovers was interesting on its own, the episode in which Yui was kidnapped by the makami brothers and later on escaped by Ayato was my favorite as it was full of exciting events. The end left all of us in suspense about how Mukamis and Sakamakis were attacked by wolves. After the last episode, there was a thunderstorm of questions that were continually running in my head about those wolves.
The ending of Diabolic lovers seasons 2 makes it clear that there is more than a 95 percent chance that season 3 will launch. The last episode of season 2 was aired in October 2015 and now 6 years have passed but there is no official news about season 3. The IMDB rating of Diabolic Lovers season one was great but the second season got below average rating. This could be the reason that the production house is taking time to launch season 3 to make the story extraordinary which will win the heart of the audience and hit the highest rating again.
Let me explain one thing for your knowledge, the anime series takes time to develop. I think they have the story and characters but the only thing making it delay is the production of anime. Although there is no update from the official sites, don’t lose hope and keep on waiting for your favorite show. The ending has given its fans much hope about the third season and we might receive the season at the end of 2024.
You can watch seasons 1 and 2 on Hulu, Hidive, and VRV. It is not available on Netflix right now but it is reported that Netflix will also add these series to their horror and mystery genre of movies. Many other sites have a link to these series but try to click on the authentic one because Diabolic Lovers is not easily available everywhere.

Where can we watch Diabolic Lovers?
Diabolic Lovers is easily available on Hulu, VRV, Crunchyroll, and on HiDive as well.
What is the IMDB rating of the Diabolic Lovers Anime series?
The rating of diabolic lovers’ anime series has a 5.2 rating out of 10. It has both positive and negative views from people. Some liked it a lot while other people reviewed this as an ordinary series.
Is there any trailer available for Diabolic Lovers season 3?
No, there is no trailer available for Diabolic lover season 3. Some sites claim to have the link of diabolic lovers season 3 which is absolutely fake.
Although there is no update about the release date of Diabolic Lover season 3 the good news is you can watch the previous two seasons whenever you want. I never get bored of watching the thrilling seasons over and over. Moreover, do not click on the links given by various sites, saying that you can get the first look at Diabolic Lovers Season 3 here. Stay patient, season 3 will hopefully launch.