Collecting sports memorabilia is a very popular hobby for many fans. It can provide a much more interesting experience while you are watching your favorite team. On the other side, it is common for a lot of people to collect various items in the hope of selling them for a higher price at some moment.
Owning a rare item could provide you with a big profit. That is the main reason why fans are constantly seeking jerseys and other equipment from popular players. Making a collection of autographed hockey jerseys will improve your chance or making a profit even more.
Moreover, you should be aware that keeping the item in perfect condition is the best way to get the best value for it. If you own a signed jersey, the best solution is to frame it. Here are some tips that will help you do that in the right way.
Step-By-Step Guide

The first part of the process is to choose the right frame. That is quite simple since you only need to focus on the size of the shirt you own and want to display. Another important detail is to leave at least some space inside so that you won’t damage the item.
Also, you should opt for UV-protection glass which will secure that the jersey will stay in a perfect state. Besides that, the background can make a difference. The display will be more impressive if you match the background with the color of the shirt.
The next step is related to the mounting surface. It is usually a thin cardboard that you can glue to the frame. Using it is crucial since that is the only way to hang the jersey without affecting it with glue or other materials.
After that, you can use a needle to mount the shirt to the cardboard. Use a thin one with a neutral thread that won’t be seen. The last step is to fold the shirt in the desired way and place the frame on the wall.
The best part is that this is a very simple DIY task. You can find a great selection of different frames on the market. There are also different models of glass or Plexiglas. If you want to make it even more impressive, you can install LED lights inside or around the front corners.
Pay Attention to Folding

It can be frustrating if you don’t like the results after you completed the whole process. As we already mentioned, using the needle is the best way to keep the shirt in one place under the glass. However, if you don’t choose the right folding appearance, you will need to repeat the whole process again.
Therefore, don’t rush. Try out different postures for the jersey. You can choose to show the whole dress, along with the sleeves, or fold it in a way where only the name and number will be seen. That is up to your preferences.
The most important thing is to ensure that you won’t damage the item during framing or attaching. That is the main reason why it is important to use the backboard that you will glue to the frame.
Other Interesting Solutions

While framing is the best way to keep the shirt intact and safe, there are other interesting options that you can choose to make an attractive decoration in your room. For instance, instead of dealing with a frame, you can use a hockey stick as a hanger.
This is an attractive and simple way of displaying your favorite items. All you need to do is to create a holder on the wall where you can attach the stick, and pull the stick through the jersey before you hang it.
Still, you need to keep in mind that this is not the best model if you want to secure the item. If you think that you own one that could reach a higher value over time, framing is the most secure option. On the other side, if your main intention is to create an impressive ambiance in your room, there are plenty of other solutions to play with.
For example, if you already own a lot of jerseys of your favorite teams and players, you can create a whole wallpaper with them. One way to do that is to fold the shirts so that you can see the number and the name, and then create a preferred outline on the wall where lots of shits will be displayed next to each other.
On the other side, if you are looking for a simple solution to hang a couple of your favorite shirts, the best option is to use a wall hanger. All you need to do is to install the right amount of hangers and place your favorite shirts on them.
However, keep in mind that all of these options require more frequent maintenance since there will be dust collected on your items over time. Therefore, it is not the right way to keep something with a higher value.
The Bottom Line

There are many cases where jerseys and other items were sold for prices over $100k. That is the main reason why glass frames are the best solution to keep your memorabilia. It will protect the item from dust and UV lights, and preserve the quality, which will lead to higher value if you want to sell it at some point.
As you can see, the whole framing process is quite simple. You can easily find all the necessary tools and parts, and even play around with some unique details to make your display even more unique. In the end, the most important thing is to make sure that the process won’t damage the shirt. There are some common mistakes you want to avoid, like attaching the shirt without the cardboard, and gluing it directly to the background, or using a thicker thread that will make visible holes in the shirt.