Even though addictions are considered mental health issues, they are always surrounded by misconceptions and myths. No matter how hard we try to increase awareness and consciousness, there will always be at least one person who will be judgmental because of the common stereotypes. One of the most “disturbing” taboos in many societies is sex addiction. Yes, some people are even ashamed to say it loud, because of some values that are left from the past, that consider sex as a sin. In some religions, it’s still not allowed for people to be sexually active before they get married, but it doesn’t mean that some of them won’t suffer the same issue in the marriage.
Getting educated on mental health topics, but also about the facts for sex addictions, will prevent a lot of myths and misconceptions related to it. That will make you a better friend for those in need, or even a support, because it’s very hard to find someone who understands it, without judging about the choices and behavior.
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But, what are the most common myths about sex addiction? We will try to cover as much as we can, so you can recognize most of them, and of course, set yourself free from those boundaries:
1. It’s not real at all

It’s just the right time to forget about that. When someone wants it so bad and doesn’t pay attention to the choice of partners, it’s not a sign of promiscuity. It’s a deeper issue, and the person needs help and support. If you see someone you love doing that, don’t put a pang of guilt over them, and don’t remind them of unwanted pregnancies and STDs (even though the risk is still present). The problem is much deeper than that, and they need the right approach, probably a therapy with trained professionals, to start seeing what they do, and how to overcome it.
2. Porn is for the sex addicts
Adult movies can spice things up, but you can never judge the person about that. Sometimes watching it for hours can be a huge issue, but if the person limits their time and it doesn’t affect their regular life and activities. Just because someone is visiting the sites listed on BestPornReviews.net, it doesn’t mean they are hooked on them. Some people have control over that, and they don’t let these movies take over their sexual life. But in some cases, sex addiction is related to excessive watching adult content and forgetting about the real-life that is happening outside their home.
3. They always want to have sex

Having intercourse is a part of the whole problem, but it’s not the main part. People can have different activities related to sex, and some behaviors don’t even include physical presence. For example, sexting through the whole day, sending naked pictures, always looking for more adult content, and excessive spending money on toys and lingerie (that they don’t actually use), can also be a sign of addiction. It becomes a part of their daily life, and they miss important tasks, meetings, and gatherings because they are too focused on that.
4. Only men can get addicted to sex
This is very bizarre to claim, but we are here to debunk this myth. Women can be equally affected by this addiction. A lot of women can have multiple sex partners in the same period, even though those who are already married or in serious relationships. It’s something in their head and the need to be active to fulfill the fantasies. This type of addiction was mostly related to men in the past, but that’s far behind us. We must be aware of the real issues, and encourage the women who suffer to ask for help. We should do the same with the men who are doing that. Every problem can be fixed if we can recognize it on time, and ask for proper help.
5. Couples who have a lot of sex are addicted to it

As long as it’s in the same “circle” (between the two of them), it can’t be considered an addiction. They simply enjoy the benefits of the relationship and the regular intercourse they have. But, at the same time, this type of addiction can occur in the relationship or marriage, and if it’s not recognized on time, it can cause a lot of problems for both of them. At this point it’s important to remember that if you know partners who often have sex, and they enjoy that, no one has the right to judge them because of their choice.
After all, they might enjoy dressing up for each other and if it is something that works for both of them, then it is great. If you are on the other side of the coin and you don’t have sex as much as you want, did you consider buying some sexy lingerie and surprising your boyfriend? If so, visit here for more details.
6. The treatment will make them asexual
There is no treatment that will change the person completely. But, using the right approach will make them see the problem clearly, and resolve it with the resources they have. It’s true, some people are giving up on sex for years so they can heal, and others are getting back to regular and healthy patterns. The goal is not to make the person asexual, just the opposite, to encourage healthy sexual behavior.
7. Addicts have multiple partners

They can have, but it’s not necessarily like that. One person can have a few partners every year, and still not get addicted to those activities, just like another person can be addicted to the sex they have with their regular partner or spouse. In this case, they may not be aware of the issue for years, but if you recognize it in someone you know, then you should try to help them – if you can.
Being judgmental and full of stereotypes goes handily with everything related to sex. Some religious, cultural, and traditional beliefs don’t let the people see the real picture of what is happening around them. Recognizing the real issue is one step closer to finding the solution. It’s not easy to recognize the patterns, but it’s possible if we really know that particular person. Encouraging them to ask for help is the real path you need to choose for them.