There are many opinions that people have about paid Instagram promotion – some say that this is necessary to reach success, some say that they did everything by themselves, and, funnily enough, the second ones are mostly lying (or they had a chance to gain popularity back in the days). Today the niche of online entertainers (who are bloggers, currently) is highly saturated with people who protect their own interests or the interests of the brands and companies who have hired them to run their pages. What we’re trying to say is that the competition is crazy nowadays and you’re going to hardly be able to move up by yourself, with no help from the side.
This is why we have created this article: to tell you about the benefits of paid options, more precisely, about the benefits of a possibility to buy Instagram followers from Viplikes for your page – why is it so helpful, what it does to your page exactly and so on.
Reason 1: You can build a base for your profile if you have nothing right now

If you have just started out, if you have very few publications and almost no likes, you desperately need a base. Something or somebody has to support you, and if you have no acquaintances with developed accounts, your case is bad. In this situation there is literally no reason to ignore such an option as buying subs: if you purchase them qualitatively, these are going to become your best support during the future promotional process.
Yes, there is a very important nuance – you have to find an opportunity to purchase real Instagram followers. What it means is that these have to be actual people who are visiting IG every day and can show a positive impact on your page’s statistics. It is going to result in IG algorithms seeing your page having lots of interactions with actual living people, and, therefore, they are going to perceive your content as interesting and valuable. Thus, they are going to start recommending your content to other people, who might be potentially interested. And this is how you’re going to be able to induce natural growth by the synthetic service.
Reason 2: Bought subs induce natural promotion
This is exactly what we have been speaking about in the previous paragraph, but there are some additional points to keep in mind: every paid option should leave you an opportunity to replace it with natural success later. So, if you’re purchasing, let’s say, 100 subs, later you should become able to gain them yourself to provide your page with the natural growth. And if you buy the real subs, your page becomes more shown in recommendations, and you definitely are going to have that opportunity later.
But if you take on fake subs, there will be no such chance, and you will obviously become addicted to such services – without them your profile won’t be able to evolve. So keep that in mind and always check the quality of services that you’re willing to attain.
Reason 3: You can use this service as often as you can and whenever you can

If the service is topnotch, it can help anyone – beginners, advanced bloggers, the ones who are having some troubles on getting to a new level of popularity. You can sign up for a subscription and get a fixed number of subs every week or every month even; it is super helpful for those people who are too busy managing many other questions related to their business or any other occupation. Plus, decent websites offer opportunities to buy not only subs, but also other options, such as thumbs up, comments, views for videos and stories and many other things that can help to create a more balanced and naturally successful account’s look.
Reason 4: It is completely safe for your account
If you purchase real subscribers, neither IG algorithms nor your audience are going to see any trick in it. Your subs growth is going to increase gradually, as the new subs arrive, and all of them are going to be real, so that it is going to look like you’ve taken on some kind of PR or launched a targeted ad. However, it is cheaper and more convenient, so if you’re thinking between those three ones and you’re a beginner, we’d recommend you to stick with the bought subs for a while. Then, after you have a decent pool of subs on your page, you can proceed to the next options – in this case people who will see your page due to the bloggers’ ads or IG ads are going to subscribe way more willingly than if your profile would be half empty.
Reason 5: It is compatible with other promotional services
You can add as many of those as you want: targeted ads, free and paid PRs, collaborations, giveaways, whatever you find convenient and smart in your particular case. The only thing that we’d recommend you to beware are commenting and activity chats – these are the free promotional methods that beginners are widely using today; but both of those have a pretty unpleasant backfire. So, especially if you’re running a business page, we’d highly recommend you to invest into the paid promotional services, this way you will be able to stay sure of the upcoming results and your own safety and future success.
No matter what type of page you’re running, business or personal, you might have interest in developing it and starting to make money off the content and community that you have. That’s possible even if you’re a small blogger right now; thanks to progress you can use paid services that can boost your profile to the new level of popularity and spare you from using free promotional options that take away too much time and make you frustrated rather than successive.
Surely, it is totally up to you which methods you’re going to use and in what order, but the article you’ve read (and the links in it) can save you lots of time, nerve and money.
Use all of the pieces of advice from this article to get the best of results coming your way in the shortest time possible!