Life is about learning every day and adapting as you change. So, while light reading is essential to refresh your mind, non-fiction reading is important to broaden it. All in all, reading is a great habit. Better yet, read self-help books. Because they help you move forward. They motivate you and inspire you to do more and better.
They expand your worldview and introduce you to people who have faced similar struggles and accomplished the impossible.
Growth is what life is all about. But when it comes to sticking to certain new habits, there are proven methods, tools, tips, and tactics you can use. That way, you don’t get stuck trying to do a single transformation over and over again. You can do that with the help of self–help books. There are numerous books available online that fall under that umbrella, and all it takes is an internet connection to access them. Cox is one popular Internet Service Provider (ISP) that you can consider as it offers high-speed internet and good bandwidth. Additionally, Cox internet plans and packages offer several price options that are easy on the pocket. Once your internet connection is set, you can either explore e-book options, download the books or simply read online!
While there are several options out there, here are a few top picks based on popular reviews.
1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”
As the quote accurately encapsulates, the book focuses on how to make small changes in life by learning good habits and getting rid of bad habits, which, if repeated and developed, can have a reinforcing effect leading to a better version of ourselves.
The book consists of approximately 20 chapters, and each chapter begins with a real-life anecdote about how specific actions affected the life of the person or group as mentioned in the anecdote. This sets the context for the rest of the chapter.
The author also gives numerous examples of the implementation of the described techniques, making it easier for the reader to correlate them with his scheme and make a decision about how to apply the techniques.
2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”
The essence of The 4-hour Workweek is simple: why wait until retirement to have more free time? This is the time when you have the energy to do what you want.
There are parts of the book full of bold statements and promises that everyone can be a part of the mile-high club. It’s up to you to read between the lines and draw wisdom from the book.
Tim Ferris simply brushes aside everything you think you know about your job or company. He has some great email and meeting management tips that I found helpful. Also, focusing on efficiency changes your point of view.
In short, this book challenges the cultural norms of working life and what most of us think about it.
It unlocks opportunities beyond the 9-to-5 routine and working towards the ultimate goal of funding your retirement, and unlocks the benefits for you as you shift your focus from the value of money to the value of time.
3. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

“The days are long, but the years are short.”
What is happiness and how can we bring it into our lives? Gretchen Rubin asked this question because, although she had all the prerequisites for a happy life – a healthy family, a good job, and sufficient money to get through the hard times – she often felt unhappy.
During her year-long happiness project, she read about various methods and theories for increasing happiness and tried to become happier with them.
Because people are better suited to achieving concrete goals than abstract things like happiness, Gretchen Rubin established specific, measurable solutions and requirements that she adhered to throughout the project. They served as universal principles to be followed at every step of her experiment.
4. The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

“Be impeccable with your word”
In essence, this is a guide designed to help readers change their outlook on life. In The Four Agreements, Ruiz outlines four easy-to-follow agreements that Ruiz believes form the basis for a happy and peaceful existence.
In short, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and in the end, always do your best, even though agreements may be simple, they still have the weight and substance to make a real difference.
5. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

“The eternal present is the space within which your whole life unfolds, the one factor that remains constant. Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.”
Tolle says that when you are stuck in time, you identify with your mind: you become a slave to the past (memory) and the future (expectation). He asks us to move our consciousness from time to now. This is what the Zen master means when he asks, “If not now, then when?” This is what the Sufis mean when they call themselves “today’s sons.” According to Tolle, presence is the key to freedom.
“When you respect the present moment, all dissatisfaction and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease with love – even the simplest action.”
Wrapping it up
While the idea of “self-help books” is used to create mental images of lectures and impractical advice, the best self-help books actually open up a new perspective for readers seeking habit-forming, emotional growth, or deeper learning and an understanding of the world. These books do just that. Happy reading!