No matter if you just started farming succulents or if you’ve been doing it for some time, you’re probably aware of the fact that many enthusiasts talk about whether or not drainage openings are required. To put it simply, they’re necessary, especially since they enable the excess liquid to go from the earth to the box, something that’ll hinder moisture from building up at the base of the pot.
After all, succulents contain a lot of liquid in their stalks, leaves, and membranes and if they’re left in liquid for quite some time, their roots will probably completely rot. However, if you’re living in an apartment or if you wish for the succulents to decorate your house, you should know that there are some things that you could do, all of which will allow you to not drain the holes in the containers.
This is why you might now be wondering – what can I do? Fortunately for all individuals that are searching for an answer to this question, the article below will shed some light on the entire topic. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at what you have to know, as well as do:
Should You Drill The Holes or Not?

One of the first things that you must know is that making holes into the foundation of the box is surely a choice that you could pick, and you don’t need to be savvy with different tools in order to do so. There are various how-to and video tutorials that you could watch to discover how to make the holes in different materials including plastics, glass, ceramics, and so on.
However, before you actually choose to do so, there are some things that you should consider, all of which will definitely influence the overall price, value, as well as aesthetics of the container and/or the pot you’re planning on placing the succulents in. The two most important factors that you must consider include:
- The Expenses – is it going to cost you to drill some holes and is it more expensive to drill them or to purchase a container that already has holes? Well, it’s pretty safe to say that both of the options are quite affordable, especially since almost all individuals own a drill at their home. Additionally, even if you don’t own a drill and want to obtain one, it’ll be a great long-term purchase, especially when you think about all the other things you could use it for.
- The Value – you’ll also want to think about whether you value the plant or the container more. If the pot is something that was a bit more expensive or something that is old, you shouldn’t drill it, mostly because you could damage it. Also, once you make the holes, you won’t be able to return it to its previous condition, hence, you should avoid doing this. Succulents aren’t expensive and they’re simple to replace, so, think about what is more relevant for you.
Do They Actually Require a Drainage System?

Is it possible for the plants to thrive without a drainage system? Are you planning on placing them in a box that doesn’t have any exit areas for the water? For how long will they last? Well, according to the experts from the Succulent Market, they could survive, develop, and flourish in boxes that don’t have holes, however, there are a few things that you must understand.
For starters, you should know that you must be really careful about the quantity of h2O you pour to the succulents. In most cases, individuals overwater them, which can cause them to quickly rot and wither. And once you discover how you should water them without drainage, you won’t have any issues with growing them further.
If you decide to place them in a pot that doesn’t have an exit point, there are some items that you should know about how you should plant the succulent, especially if you wish to ensure that they last for a longer time. The thing you could and surely should choose to do include:
1. You Could Add Some Rocks

If you choose to add gravel, rocks, or some smaller grains – or a combo of all of these things – at the bottom of the box, you’ll be capable of forming a layer that’ll remove the h2O you added to the flower. This will assist with hindering the bulbs to rot, mostly because it’ll enable the liquid to flow from the soil quicker, hence, the roots won’t remain in the liquid for a long time.
2. Choosing Activated Charcoal is Also an Option
Like it absorbs everything in our bodies, activated charcoal will also absorb the excess water from the soil. Besides this, it’ll also contain some antimicrobial characteristics, hence, it could stop any bacteria, fungi, and germs from developing. You should place a layer of this substance at the bottom of the box or if you require, you can place the stones and then the charcoal over it.
3. The Container Size Needs to Be Just Right

Keep in mind, the larger the box, the more earth you’ll have to obtain. And, if you have more soil, there will be more liquid left in it. Hence, you should think about what succulents you want to buy and then opt for a container that is in the right size. Smaller flowers don’t require larger pots.
However, no matter what you choose to plant, you must remember something – the pot you purchase shouldn’t be larger than 1 or 2 inches from the container it came in. After all, succulents do like pots that are tight-fitting, hence, you should ensure that there is no extra space for them.
It’s quite possible for you to plant and thrive succulents in a container that doesn’t feature any drainage holes. However, if you choose to do this, there are some things that you must ensure that you do, including adding activated charcoal, stones/pebbles to the base, as well as utilizing a box that has the right size.
So, now that you’re aware of all the things that you can and definitely should do, you may not want to waste any more of your time. Instead, keep all of the aforementioned tips in mind, determine how you’ll want to plant your succulents, and then start searching for the right products that you’ll need.