The ingredients that make a blog post delicious and easy-to-digest are writing skills, the level of valuable information, and the efforts put into research before writing the particular article. The readers of today seek enjoyment, entertainment, and crisp content and that is only possible when you pay attention to the overall structure and arrangement of the content.
The path to more website and blog visits increased rankings in search engines, and a higher number of likes, comments, shares, and upvotes is decided by how much your reader are liking and enjoying your articles.
Being one of the prominent social media, SEO, and paid online marketing service providers in the world, OnlineMarketingGurus have accumulated the crucial points that make a blog post not only SEO-friendly but also people-friendly as well. Here you go:
1) Writing Goes Second. Thinking Goes First
Don’t just start to type on your keyboard just for the sake of writing. If you are going to write a blog, a serious amount of thinking should be there to back it up. You should have a clear understanding of the purpose of a blog post with the questions you are going to answer. Moreover, modify your blog title (topic) according to the common search intent of a user.
You could also dabble in other aspects of search engine optimization to make your post stand out. And, if you are fully committed to seeing your article reach the top of the charts, you might want to enlist the help of a reliable link building agency. This way, you can fill your blog post with relevant keywords and follow good linking practices to give it a better shot at climbing up the search results.

2) Blog Posts without a Proper Structure are Just a Mess
It has been proven several times that a proper and comprehensible content structure increases the SEO friendliness of your post. The most common structure that today’s bloggers use is the introduction part where a few lines are written to give an overview of the article to your readers, a body where most of the information takes place, and a conclusion part the entire blog post in one or two precise but insightful paragraphs.
3) Ramp Up the Appeal of Your Content’s Body
If your blog post is going to be lengthy and you have decided to put all the crucial information you have researched in that article, then the best thing you can do is breaking down the content into small, manageable chunks. To do that, write several small paragraphs instead of big once and wherever possible use headings, subheadings, points, references, and quotes. It keeps the attention of your readers caged and they neither got afraid by having to read such a big article or bored with the monotonousness of the post.

4) Do You Have Keywords Handy? By All Means, Use Them
One worst thing a writer can do is writing a blog post for the sake of stuffing it with the keywords that his fellow SEO person has provided. It not only repels people away due to the reduced originality of the content but it also sends negative signals to Google which may reduce your website’s ranking in the long run. The best way to use keywords is to use them with the flow of your language and naturally.
5) The Lengthy the Article, The Better
All the top blog posts we have seen growing and conquering the blogging landscape over the past few years are there because of the insurmountable amount of information they have put in their articles. Of course, the quality of content, the style of writing, the research, inclusion of images and video were still helpful but the only thing they have in common is the size of their articles.
Some experts suggest that the minimum size of a blog should not be less than 300 words. However, when we talk about informative articles and white papers, the number of words can easily surpass 3000 or even 5000.

6) Never Underestimate the Frequency by Which You are Adding Content
Movement creates a subtle difference between being dead or alive. It happens with your websites as well. People who know how to keep their websites alive in the keen eyes of Google, always make sure to add a substantial amount of new data every now and then.
That data can include new blogs posts, posting white papers or your press releases, and informing your users about the upcoming events or celebrations your organization is going to launch soon. Google prefers to crawl a website that adds content on an hourly basis, than the ones that content on daily basis and it goes on. Now, if a marketer doesn’t add new content to their websites at all, Google will almost stop crawling it which will slowly make the website obsolete from the Search Engine Result Pages.
7) Internal Linking is Your Secret Weapon
When you own a website then nothing feels better than a high number of current users in Google Analytics. And, that only happens if your website’s content, its products & services, as well as customer support is sub-par with normal standards. Such things will make your website visitors stick to your website a while longer and surf around to discover, grab, and digest more and more content.
There’s an effortless way to make your website visitors stick around the site more and that is – using internal linking in your content, especially blogs. Let’s understand it with the help of an example. If a marketer named Jack publishes one long blog post every day on his website and the marketer Jill does the same.
But when Jack writes an article, he goes through the list of all the articles he has written in the past and tries to find that if there has already been an article available to explain a certain terminology in detail that has been used in the new article? Later he links all the helping articles to the certain terminologies of his new article. As a result, his visitors keep clicking those terminologies to read about them in detail in the linked article.

Nowadays the old and forgotten SEO tips and tricks that claimed to rank your website in a matter of days are no less than rotten. You can’t rely on such cheap tricks anymore.
Instead, what you should be aiming at increasing the quality of your blog post to a level that no one has done yet.
Moreover, the more amount of information you can put in your blog posts, the better. Why? Because long posts not only satisfy the passing marks of Google but also conveys to your readers that you value their time and that’s why research your articles very well before writing. Moreover, taking help from some paid tools available in the market always pays well.