Most recently, the long-awaited release of the continuation of a major series of games from Blizzard – Diablo 4 took place. Despite the long OBT, the project nevertheless came out, got rid of many bugs and is ready to welcome new players and fans of the old parts of the series on its servers.
Each part of the Diablo series has a common gloomy setting and the theme of the fight against world evil, but various chips and little things still differ from each other – which we will talk about in this article.
What remains unchanged is the start of the game – all the characters start their game path practically without any equipment, and the first weapon will have to be obtained in battle to accelerate their pumping.
You can upgrade on your own, or entrust it to the professional Skycoach service, which will help you overcome the difficult, initial stage and immediately move on to interesting content.
To do this, go to the Skycoach service website and select diablo 4 boosting. Then pay for the order and transfer the account to the manager to perform the service.
Get a horse
After passing the first three acts, you will have access to the quest to get the first horse – this is a horse, which will significantly speed up your movement through acts and locations, collecting monsters in groups for mass killing and simply accelerating the overall mobility of the character.
To get your first horse, you need to go to the Cathedral of Light and for completing related tasks you will receive your first mount. The horse cannot be pumped, but can be customized at your discretion.
Keep track of your equipment
In Diablo 4, any items have their own durability threshold, which is broken during use and deteriorates significantly when the character dies.
Often, equipment and weapons have ideal durability in case of knocking them out from bosses and random damage in case of looting from simple monsters and being in chests.
Please note that equipment and weapons can and should be repaired – this can be done in any city at the blacksmith for payment in gold coins, but if the weapon or equipment is not of high quality or does not transfer a large number of characteristics to the player, then it is not necessary to repair such things. You will quickly get an alternative, and it is not necessary to specifically interrupt pumping in order to return to the city.
When the durability threshold is reduced to 0, weapons and armor will become inaccessible until a full repair, so be sure to check this parameter so as not to be face to face with an opponent with bare hands and always keep an alternative in your inventory for a quick switch.
Earn Fame Points
Diablo 4 and its world rewards players and makes them known in the regions where they have achieved success and progress. The main criterion for assessing popularity is the benefit to other players.
What can you do to increase your popularity and fame in Diablo 4:
- Discover new territories
- Find and activate Lilith’s altars
- Open the gates of travel
- Complete optional quests
- Dungeon clearing
- Complete cleansing of the fortress
For moving to the next frontier of fame, you will receive skill points, gold and various artifacts to enhance weapons and equipment.
What are aspects, and why are they used?
Aspects are special amplifiers that can give your armor or weapon an additional buff or performance boost with a random chance to activate.
Aspects are obtained from dungeons, and a particular dungeon can give the player a certain aspect – this should be taken into account for understanding and shaping your equipment and various bonuses that you want to assign to your character in the end.
Other Tips for Players

Do not rush to choose the main character after the first attempt – try each of the 5 characters presented at the start and choose the one that suits you – You have to go through many acts and collect equipment for playing at the last difficulty levels, and it will be better if you do this on a comfortable hero, otherwise there is a high risk of leaving the project due to unjustified expectations.
Experiment with builds
For each hero, several development concepts are proposed in favor of one of the preferred playstyles – solo hunting, AoE and battles between players.
If you have chosen one direction of pumping, but it turned out to be ineffective – spend gold and reset your skill points and try again. Do this until the game character fully meets your expectations.
Don’t die

No matter how trite and obvious it may sound – try not to take risks once again when this can lead to accidental deaths.
Death at the hands of monsters greatly damages the equipment and at one point significant repairs with high costs may be required, especially if the equipment is of high quality.
Don’t Ignore Your Vault
Each player has his own personal storage for accumulating all unnecessary equipment and saving gold – this has been the custom since the first parts of Diablo and remains in the new version.
Try to unload your inventory as much as possible before the next hunting trip, otherwise you risk either returning to the city often, or greatly reducing your efficiency by missing a large amount of potential equipment for sale.
It’s a little easier with dungeons – all the trophies that you miss for whatever reason will be automatically delivered to your storage, so don’t forget to check it periodically.
Secondary quests and activities

Try to take part in all kinds of activities that Diablo 4 offers you, provided that the chosen task does not greatly slow down your overall game progress, or the reward is really worth the effort.
At times, pumping will be accompanied by random events that can help you gain experience, gold, potions and other useful equipment.
Do not hurry
Try to get the most out of the current act and level in order to move on to the next – excessive haste will lead to a lag in the level of equipment and weapons, pumping skills and passing certain zones can take a long time and effort with frequent deaths instead of calmly passing the zone in 5 minutes and go further into new acts and fight for the best kits and types of weapons.